Russian Banks (Dom.RF, VTB Bank, Alfa-Bank, Sberbank, Raiffeisen Bank, RSHB Bank, Rosbank, Gazprombank, Tinkoff Bank, iBank) Details

    Organization Logo

    Russian Banks (Dom.RF, VTB Bank, Alfa-Bank, Sberbank, Raiffeisen Bank, RSHB Bank, Rosbank, Gazprombank, Tinkoff Bank, iBank)

    employees • Financial Services



    Financial Services

    Security Incidents


    Multiple Russian Banks (Dom.RF, VTB Bank, Alfa-Bank, Sberbank, Raiffeisen Bank, RSHB Bank, Rosbank, Gazprombank, Tinkoff Bank, iBank)

    Security Incidents

    Russian Banks (Dom.RF, VTB Bank, Alfa-Bank, Sberbank, Raiffeisen Bank, RSHB Bank, Rosbank, Gazprombank, Tinkoff Bank, iBank) Breach of Jul 2024
    Severity Score
    Very High




    On July 23, Ukrainian cyber operatives launched a large-scale cyberattack on top Russian banks, severely disrupting ATM services and other financial operations. By July 27, the cyberattack had effectively blocked debit and credit card access for customers attempting to use ATMs across several major Russian banks, including Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, and VTB Bank, among others. The attack also targeted payment systems and mobile applications, resulting in widespread service outages and hindering public transport payments.

    Additionally, the cyberattack extended to Russian mobile and internet provider...
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    The cyber incident that targeted the ATM networks, payment systems, and mobile applications of major Russian financial institutions left customers unable to withdraw funds or access essential banking services. In addition to the disruption of banking operations, the attack also compromised sensitive financial data by affecting the databases of these banks. Communication networks were also impacted, disrupting services from Beeline, MegaFon, Tele2, and Rostelecom, and crippling the functionality of online messengers and social networks.

    The strategic implications are significant, as the attack...
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    This cyber incident targeted the ATM networks, payment systems, and mobile applications of major Russian financial institutions, leaving customers unable to withdraw funds or access essential banking services.

    In addition to the direct impact on banking operations, the attack also affected the databases of these banks, potentially compromising sensitive financial data. This breach extended to communication networks, disrupting mobile and internet services provided by Beeline, MegaFon, Tele2, and Rostelecom, and inhibiting the functionality of online messengers and social networks.

    The strat...
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