Accenture Details

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    Dublin, Ireland employees • Legal & Professional Services


    Legal & Professional Services

    Security Incidents


    Accenture plc is a US multinational professional services company headquartered in Dublin for tax reasons, specializing in information technology services and consulting. A Fortune Global 500 company, it reported revenues of $64.1 billion in 2023.

    Security Incidents

    Accenture Breach of Aug 2021
    Severity Score


    Ransomware Attack


    In August 2021, Accenture experienced a ransomware attack by the LockBit group, which claimed to have exfiltrated over 6 terabytes of data and demanded a $50 million ransom. The compromised data mainly included client documents and work materials, avoiding highly sensitive information. Accenture's response involved isolating compromised systems and restoring data from backups, resulting in minimal disruption to operations and no impact on client systems. Despite the attackers' claims, Accenture denied any theft of customer credentials and refuted the claim of insider involvement. This incident...
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    The Accenture incident was severe due to the involvement of the sophisticated LockBit ransomware operators, who stole over 6 terabytes of data and demanded a $50 million ransom. While Accenture maintained that the stolen data did not include highly sensitive information, the breach impacted a major global consulting firm with ties to numerous Fortune Global 100 and 500 companies, affecting approximately 2,500 computers. Given the potential for misuse of the compromised data, the sophisticated nature of the attack, and its significant implications for both Accenture and its high-profile clients...
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    Accenture faced a ransomware attack executed by the LockBit gang, leading to the theft of proprietary information, various project materials, and documents referencing clients. While customer data seemed not to include personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI), some client-related documentation was accessed. Accenture managed to isolate the impacted systems quickly and restore operations from backups, preventing any significant operational disruption. The incident highlights the ongoing risks of ransomware and reinforces the necessity for strong security m...
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