Arkansas City Water Treatment Facility Details

    Organization Logo

    Arkansas City Water Treatment Facility

    Arkansas City, Kansas0 employees • Energy and Utilities

    United States


    Energy and Utilities

    Security Incidents


    The Arkansas City Water Treatment Facility is a critical infrastructure component serving the residents of Arkansas City, Kansas. It ensures the provision of clean and safe drinking water to the community by treating raw water sourced from nearby reservoirs and rivers. The facility employs various treatment processes, including filtration, sedimentation, and disinfection, to remove impurities and contaminants from the water supply, adhering to federal and state water quality standards.

    Founded to meet the growing demands of Arkansas City's population, the water treatment plant has undergone s...
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    Security Incidents

    Arkansas City Water Treatment Facility Breach of Sep 2024
    Severity Score
    Moderate to Significant


    Ransomware Attack


    On September 22, 2024, Arkansas City's water treatment facility in Kansas encountered a cybersecurity incident leading to a switch to manual operations. The city took this precautionary measure to ensure the ongoing security of plant operations while resolving the incident. City officials, including city manager Randy Frazer, assured residents that the water supply remains safe and undisturbed by the incident.

    Although not officially confirmed, it appears the facility may have been the target of a ransomware attack. The incident was promptly reported to relevant authorities, with Homeland Sec...
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    The recent cyberattack on the Arkansas City water treatment facility, believed to involve ransomware, forced the facility to switch to manual operations. Despite the breach, there was no impact on water supply safety or service continuity, thanks to swift precautionary measures by the city. The incident highlights the vulnerabilities of smaller water utilities and underscores the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures in the sector, given the rising frequency of attacks on critical infrastructure.

    Considering the swift containment, lack of service disruption, and ongoing cybersecurit...
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    Arkansas City, Kansas, experienced a significant cyberattack on its water treatment facility on September 22, 2024. While the exact nature of the attack hasn't been fully disclosed, it is widely believed to involve ransomware based on the precautionary measures taken. As a result, the city transitioned the water treatment operations to manual control to prevent any disruption, ensuring that both water quality and supply remained unaffected.

    No customer data, internal company data, or intellectual property appears to have been compromised in this incident. Instead, the primary impact was the n...
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