Bassett Furniture Details

    Organization Logo

    Bassett Furniture

    Bassett, Virginia2500 employees • Manufacturing
    United States



    Security Incidents


    Bassett Furniture Industries, Inc. is a well-established company primarily focused on the design, manufacture, and retail of high-quality home furnishings. Founded in 1902 in Bassett, Virginia, the company has grown to become one of the oldest furniture manufacturers in the United States. Bassett Furniture offers a wide range of products, including bedroom, dining, and living room furniture, and it is also known for its custom upholstery options, allowing customers to personalize their orders.

    Over the years, Bassett Furniture has developed a strong reputation for craftsmanship and innovation...
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    Security Incidents

    Bassett Furniture Breach of Jul 2024
    Severity Score
    Significant to High


    Ransomware Attack


    Bassett Furniture experienced a ransomware attack on July 10, which led to significant disruptions, particularly in its manufacturing facilities. The company detected unauthorized access to its IT systems and discovered that some data files had been encrypted by the threat actor, resulting in business operation disturbances. In response, Bassett instituted containment measures, including shutting down certain systems. Consequently, its manufacturing facilities were rendered non-operational for the time being.

    Despite the attack, Bassett's retail stores and e-commerce platform remained open, a...
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    Bassett Furniture, a Virginia-based manufacturer and retailer, experienced a ransomware attack that significantly disrupted their operations. On July 10, unauthorized access was detected, leading to the encryption of data files and the shutdown of their manufacturing facilities. Although their retail stores and e-commerce platform remain functional, order fulfillment has been impacted. Fortunately, there is no evidence to suggest that personal information from consumers was compromised.

    The breach has had a substantial effect on business operations, and the company anticipates continued mater...
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    Bassett Furniture experienced a significant ransomware attack, which led to the disruption of its business operations, including the shutdown of its manufacturing facilities. While the company's retail stores and e-commerce platform remained operational, there were substantial delays in order fulfillment due to the affected manufacturing capabilities.

    The incident involved the encryption of certain data files, but importantly, the company reported that there was no compromise of consumer personal information. This detail mitigates potential worries regarding customer data exposure.

    In terms ...
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