Calibrated Healthcare, LLC Details

    Organization Logo

    Calibrated Healthcare, LLC

    California employees • Healthcare

    United States



    Security Incidents


    Calibrated Healthcare Services is an organization specializing in providing healthcare administrative and clinical services aimed at enhancing quality while simultaneously reducing costs. The organization offers an extensive range of outsourcing solutions designed to help clients achieve their operational objectives efficiently. Calibrated Healthcare Services caters to a variety of entities within the healthcare sector, including Health Plans, Management Services Organizations (MSOs), Independent Physician Associations (IPAs), Third Party Administrators (TPAs), and at-risk Medical Groups.

    Security Incidents

    Calibrated Healthcare, LLC Breach of Feb 2024
    Severity Score
    Significant to High




    Calibrated Healthcare, LLC experienced a data breach on February 26, 2024, which involved unauthorized access to certain files on their network. The breach exposed sensitive information including names, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, medical diagnoses and treatment details, health insurance information, and driver’s license numbers. The unauthorized access took place between February 25 and February 26, 2024, and was detected when the company observed suspicious activity.

    Upon discovering the breach, Calibrated promptly took its systems offline and initiated an investigation. They l...
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    The recent data breach at Calibrated Healthcare, LLC significantly compromised the personal and sensitive information of numerous individuals, including names, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, medical diagnoses and treatment details, health insurance information, and driver’s license numbers. Despite the lack of evidence that this information has been used for identity theft or fraud, the exposure of such detailed personal data presents serious potential risks.

    Given the scope of the breach, theft of highly sensitive information, and the swift but reactive measures taken by Calibrate...
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    The compromised data included highly sensitive personal and medical information such as names, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, medical diagnoses and treatments, health insurance details, and driver’s license numbers. In response to the incident, Calibrated took their systems offline and conducted a comprehensive investigation. This breach led to a significant setback as it required a thorough review of affected files and notification of impacted individuals. Although there was no immediate evidence of misuse, the nature of the breached data suggests a serious risk for identity theft a...
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