Canva Details

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    Sydney, Australia employees • Technology



    Security Incidents


    Canva is an online template editor app for creating social media graphics, presentations, merch and websites.

    Security Incidents

    Canva Breach of May 2019
    Severity Score


    Data Breach


    In May 2019, Canva, a popular graphic design platform, experienced a significant data breach orchestrated by the hacking group Gnosticplayers. The breach resulted in the compromise of approximately 137 million user records, including usernames, email addresses, and hashed passwords. The threat actor claimed to have accessed Canva's database and even attempted to sell the stolen data on the dark web. Canva promptly notified its users and initiated a password reset process to mitigate potential damage. Despite the breach, Canva assured that no financial information or credit card details were co...
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    The Canva data breach of May 2019 was severe as a hacker claimed to have stolen the data of 139 million Canva users. The breach involved unauthorized access to a massive amount of user data, indicating a significant security lapse. The hacker was able to obtain data from a large number of users, highlighting the severity of the incident.


    The breach impacted approximately 139 million Canva users, leading to unauthorized access to their data. This breach raised concerns about the security and privacy of user information on the platform. Canva's security team took immediate action to secure user accounts and investigate the extent of the breach to mitigate the impact on users.