Christian Democratic Union Details

    Organization Logo

    Christian Democratic Union

    Berlin700 employees • Governments




    Security Incidents


    The Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) is a major center-right political party in Germany, advocating for Christian democratic and conservative principles. It was founded in 1945 in the aftermath of World War II, with the aim of uniting moderate and conservative forces across the country. The CDU has played a pivotal role in shaping post-war German political history, having produced several Chancellors, including Konrad Adenauer, Helmut Kohl, and Angela Merkel.

    The party's notable achievements include leading Germany during periods of significant economic growth, the reunification o...
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    Security Incidents

    Christian Democratic Union Breach of Jun 2024
    Severity Score




    On June 1, 2024, Germany's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) experienced a significant cyberattack that led to the precautionary shutdown of parts of its IT infrastructure. The German Interior Ministry disclosed that security authorities were actively working to investigate and counteract the intrusion to prevent further damage. While detailed information on the scale of the attack and the identity of the perpetrators was not provided, the execution of the attack suggested involvement by a professional entity.

    This incident prompted the CDU to isolate affected systems and launch an investigati...
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    The cyberattack on Germany's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) on June 1, 2024, represented a serious incident, disrupting its IT infrastructure and hampering federal election preparations for over three months. Although there were no explicit reports of customer data exposure, the breach highlighted vulnerabilities in political entities' cybersecurity, especially as it likely involved sensitive internal communications and strategic election information. The coordination with public authorities and the prolonged data recovery underscore the sophistication and potential state-sponsored nature of...
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    On June 1, 2024, Germany's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) fell victim to a cyberattack, leading to the shutdown of portions of its IT infrastructure as a precautionary measure. The impact of the incident was severe enough to warrant immediate isolation of affected systems and coordination with public authorities for a thorough investigation.

    No explicit mention was made about the exposure of customer data, but the disruption hindered the CDU's access to essential member information for over three months, impeding their federal election preparations. The incident illustrated the rising tren...
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