CoinStats Details

    Organization Logo


    Yerevan, Armenia50 employees • Technology



    Security Incidents


    CoinStats is a cryptocurrency portfolio management and tracking application designed to help users manage their investments in digital currencies. Founded in 2017, CoinStats has grown to become a popular choice among both individual investors and institutional traders, offering a range of features such as real-time price updates, news updates, and analytics tools. The platform supports a wide variety of cryptocurrencies, allowing users to connect to multiple exchanges and wallets to monitor their holdings all in one place.

    Notable features of CoinStats include portfolio analytics, transaction...
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    Security Incidents

    CoinStats Breach of Jun 2024
    Severity Score
    Significant to High




    CoinStats experienced a significant security breach impacting 1,590 cryptocurrency wallets, believed to be orchestrated by North Korean threat actors, specifically the notorious Lazarus Group. CoinStats, a prominent portfolio management app with 1.5 million users, offers both investment tracking and hosted wallets. The breach affected 1.3% of the hosted wallets, with some reports indicating that funds were stolen from wallets not listed by the company, suggesting a potentially broader scope. Users with impacted wallets were advised to transfer their funds to external wallets immediately. While...
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    CoinStats experienced a significant security breach affecting 1,590 cryptocurrency wallets, suspected to be the work of North Korean threat actors. This attack intercepted hosted wallets, compromising approximately 1.3% of all CoinStats wallets, with unclear actual damage potentially higher than reported. Given the involvement of a sophisticated group like Lazarus, the wide-reaching impact, and the potential for ongoing fraudulent activities exploiting the situation, the severity of this incident is rated "Significant to High" (8).


    CoinStats experienced a significant security breach that compromised 1,590 cryptocurrency wallets, likely orchestrated by North Korean threat actors. The breach exposed hosted wallets containing potentially sensitive customer data, although the read-only connected external wallets remained unaffected. As a result, the CoinStats website and app were temporarily taken offline for investigation and mitigation. Additionally, scammers have attempted to exploit the situation with fake refund schemes, further complicating the aftermath of the incident.