Deezer Details

    Organization Logo


    Paris, France employees • Media & Entertainment


    Media & Entertainment

    Security Incidents


    Deezer is a French music streaming service founded in 2007. The company has been a subsidiary of Access Industries since 2016. Deezer is available via web and on various digital platforms, including Android, iOS, macOS and others.

    Security Incidents

    Deezer Breach of Nov 2022
    Severity Score
    Low to Moderate


    Data Breach


    In November 2022, Deezer, the music streaming service, experienced a data breach that exposed the personal information of approximately 228 million users. The breach was attributed to a third-party service provider, which had stored the data insecurely, leading to unauthorized access. The compromised data included email addresses, usernames, dates of birth, and IP addresses, but no payment information or passwords were affected. Deezer promptly notified affected users and took steps to enhance its security measures and prevent future incidents. The company also worked closely with cybersecurit...
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    The breach was severe as a data leak occurred in the systems of a former service provider that Deezer used until 2020, exposing a snapshot of users' non-sensitive information. A hacker published a sample of data from 240+ million Deezer users, including personal details like names, dates of birth, email addresses, and more, leading to a significant security breach.


    The breach impacted over 220 million Deezer users, exposing their personal details such as first and last names, dates of birth, email addresses, gender, location data, join date, user ID, session IP addresses, and language. This breach could potentially lead to identity theft, phishing attacks, and other forms of cybercrime targeting the affected users.