Delaware Libraries Details

    Organization Logo

    Delaware Libraries

    Dover, Delaware500 employees • Education
    United States



    Security Incidents


    Delaware Libraries is a cohesive network of public and academic libraries across the state of Delaware. Its primary purpose is to provide access to information, educational resources, and community services to the residents of Delaware. The network is coordinated by the Delaware Division of Libraries, which oversees the development and implementation of policies and programs to support library services statewide.

    Founded in the early 20th century, Delaware Libraries has grown to encompass 33 public libraries, plus many academic and special libraries. Notable milestones include the establishme...
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    Security Incidents

    Delaware Libraries Breach of Sep 2024
    Severity Score
    Moderate to Significant


    Ransomware Attack


    On September 20, 2024, Delaware Libraries experienced a ransomware attack orchestrated by a RansomHub affiliate. The attack disrupted IT services across the organization's 35 sites, forcing many to shut down computer labs, and affecting internet connections, printing, scanning, faxing, and phone services. The Georgetown Public Library and several others across the state confirmed disruptions and advised patrons to contact libraries prior to visiting.

    Delaware Libraries identified the attack as originating from a breach on one of its virtual servers, which led to an extended internet outage im...
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    The ransomware attack on Delaware Libraries, orchestrated by an affiliate of the RansomHub group, was significant but not catastrophic. The attack disrupted services across 35 library sites, notably affecting internet, printing, and phone systems, but fortunately not compromising patron information or the library catalog. While the group leaked a limited number of financial documents and claimed a broader data theft, the severity of access appears to be less than usual for such groups. Given the extent of disruption, the early stage of recovery efforts, and the decision to rebuild rather than ...
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    Delaware Libraries experienced a ransomware attack executed by the RansomHub group, impacting sites across the state. The attack primarily disrupted IT services, causing the shutdown of computer labs, internet access, and other technical services at numerous public libraries. Some sites were also forced to shut down entirely due to the severity of the incident.

    While the attackers claim to have stolen around 56 GB of data, including financial documents, there is no evidence indicating the breach of sensitive customer data or personal information. Additionally, critical digital services like t...
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