Enzo Biochem, Inc. Details

    Organization Logo

    Enzo Biochem, Inc.

    New York500 employees • Pharmaceuticals

    United States



    Security Incidents


    Enzo Biochem, Inc. is a biotechnology company focused on the research, development, and commercialization of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic products derived from genetic and molecular biology technologies. Established in 1976 by Elazar Rabbani, Enzo Biochem has played a significant role in the development of tools and systems that enable complex genetic analysis and diagnostics. The company's primary purpose is to enhance disease diagnosis through advanced medical tests, thus assisting healthcare professionals in providing precise and effective treatments.

    The company operates through ...
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    Security Incidents

    Enzo Biochem, Inc. Breach of Apr 2023
    Severity Score
    Significant to High


    Credential Stuffing


    Enzo Biochem, Inc., a biotechnology firm offering diagnostic testing services, experienced a significant data breach in April 2023. Attackers infiltrated the company's systems using two employee login credentials, which were inadequately secured and shared among five employees, with one credential not updated in over a decade. This breach exposed personal and private health information of around 2.4 million patients, including Social Security numbers and medical data.

    The lapse in security was compounded by Enzo's failure to detect the breach promptly, allowing the attackers to install malici...
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    The data breach at Enzo Biochem, Inc. in April 2023 was a serious incident. Attackers gained access to the company's systems using inadequately secured employee credentials, exposing sensitive personal and medical information for approximately 2.4 million patients. The breach went undetected for several days, during which the attackers installed malicious software and exfiltrated data.

    Following this lapse, Enzo Biochem faced scrutiny from multiple state attorneys general and agreed to a $4.5 million settlement. The breach revealed critical shortcomings in their security protocols, prompting...
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    Enzo Biochem, Inc. faced a significant data breach in April 2023, when attackers breached the company's systems using inadequately secured and outdated login credentials. The breach resulted in the exposure of personal and private health information of approximately 2.4 million patients, including sensitive data such as Social Security numbers and medical records.

    In addition to the data exposure, the attackers installed malicious software and exfiltrated data over several days before the incident was detected. In response to the breach and subsequent investigations by state attorneys genera...
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