Exactis Details

    Organization Logo


    Vero Beach, Florida employees • Technology



    Security Incidents


    Exactis LLC is a data broker established in 2015 and based in the U.S state of Florida. The firm reportedly handles business and consumer data in an effort to refine targeted advertising.

    Security Incidents

    Exactis Breach of Jun 2018
    Severity Score


    Data Breach


    In June 2018, Exactis, a Florida-based data broker, experienced a significant data breach that exposed a massive database containing nearly 340 million individual records. The breach was discovered by security researcher Vinny Troia, who found that Exactis had left a 2-terabyte database publicly accessible on a server without any password protection. The compromised data included highly detailed personal information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and even personal attributes like interests and habits. Although no financial information or Social Security numbers were ...
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    The Exactis data breach in June 2018 was significant, potentially exposing over 300 million records, making it one of the largest breaches in recent years. The breach highlighted the vulnerability of databases without proper firewall protection.


    The breach impacted a vast number of individuals, with potentially 230 million people's information being exposed. This breach could have serious consequences for the affected individuals, leading to privacy concerns and potential misuse of their personal data.