FIA (Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile) Details

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    FIA (Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile)

    Paris, France200 employees • Legal and Professional Services


    Legal and Professional Services

    Security Incidents


    The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) is an international motorsport governing body established to oversee various auto racing competitions, including the Formula One World Championship, World Rally Championship (WRC), and World Endurance Championship (WEC). It was founded on June 20, 1904, in Paris, France, and initially focused on representing the interests of motoring organizations and motorists. Over the decades, the FIA has expanded its role to include the regulation of motorsport activities and promotion of road safety initiatives, environmental sustainability, and technolo...
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    Security Incidents

    FIA (Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile) Breach of Jul 2024
    Severity Score
    Moderate to Significant




    The FIA (Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile) experienced a security breach resulting from a phishing attack that compromised several of its email accounts. This incident led to unauthorized access to personal data stored in two of these compromised accounts. Upon detecting the breach, the FIA swiftly acted to cut off illegitimate access and implement additional security measures to prevent future occurrences. The organization has notified both the Swiss and French data protection regulators about the incident. While the FIA has acknowledged the breach and expressed regret over the poten...
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    The recent cyber incident involving the FIA resulted in unauthorized access to personal data through a successful phishing attack that compromised several email accounts. Although the FIA swiftly terminated the illegitimate access and reported the breach to the relevant data protection authorities in Switzerland and France, the exact scope of compromised personal information remains undisclosed. Given the organization’s vast reach and the sensitive nature of the data potentially exposed, this incident can be classified as "Moderate to Significant" with a rating of 6 on the severity scale. The ...
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    The FIA experienced a phishing attack that compromised several email accounts, leading to a data breach involving unauthorized access to personal data contained within those accounts. While specific details about the type of customer data accessed have not been disclosed, it is clear that personal information tied to the affected individuals was exposed. The incident did not take any systems or services offline, nor was there any indication that internal company data or intellectual property, including source code, was stolen. The FIA has taken steps to bolster their security measures to preve...
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