Financial Business and Consumer Solutions Details

    Organization Logo

    Financial Business and Consumer Solutions

    Hatboro, Pennsylvania100 employees • Finance and Insurance


    Finance and Insurance

    Security Incidents


    Financial Business and Consumer Solutions is a U.S. nationally licensed debt collection agency. They manage and collect unpaid consumer credit, healthcare, auto loan, commercial, and student loan debt.

    Security Incidents

    Financial Business and Consumer Solutions Breach of Feb 2024
    Severity Score
    Significant to High




    In February 2024, Financial Business and Consumer Solutions (FBCS) experienced a significant data breach, compromising the personal information of over 1.95 million individuals across the U.S. The breach occurred between February 14 and 26, during which unauthorized actors accessed sensitive data, including full names, birthdates, Social Security numbers, account details, and driver's license numbers or ID cards.


    The data breach at Financial Business and Consumer Solutions (FBCS) impacted 4,253,394 individuals, dramatically escalating from the initially reported 1.9 million. Sensitive personal information such as full names, Social Security Numbers, dates of birth, account information, driver’s license numbers, and medical information was compromised. Despite quick action to secure their network and hire third-party forensic specialists, the attack exploited FBCS’s systems between February 14 and February 26, 2024.

    Given the scale of the breach, the sensitive nature of the data exposed, and the risk o...
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    The data breach at Financial Business and Consumer Solutions (FBCS) significantly impacted approximately 4.2 million individuals, making it one of the more substantial breaches in recent memory. Customer data that was compromised included full names, Social Security Numbers (SSNs), dates of birth, account information, driver’s license numbers or ID cards, and medical information. This broad exposure places individuals at heightened risk for phishing and fraudulent activities.

    The breach affected only the internal network, leading to an immediate lockdown of the compromised environment by FBCS...
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