First American Financial Corporation Details

    Organization Logo

    First American Financial Corporation

    Santa Ana, California employees • Insurance



    Security Incidents


    First American Financial Corporation is an American financial services company which provides title insurance and settlement services to the real estate and mortgage industries.

    Security Incidents

    First American Financial Corporation Breach of May 2019
    Severity Score
    Moderate to Significant


    Data Breach


    In May 2019, First American Financial Corporation experienced a significant data breach that exposed approximately 885 million sensitive records. The breach was discovered by a security researcher who found that the company's website had a vulnerability allowing unauthorized access to documents dating back to 2003. These documents included personal and financial information such as Social Security numbers, bank account details, and mortgage records. The breach was not attributed to a specific threat actor but was rather a result of poor security practices and inadequate access controls. First ...
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    The breach was severe as First American Financial Corporation left an enormous trove of digital documents vulnerable, potentially containing sensitive information like social security numbers. Security researchers discovered nearly 900 million sensitive mortgage documents exposed online, indicating a massive data exposure.


    The breach impacted a vast amount of sensitive financial records, potentially exposing personal and financial information of individuals involved in real estate transactions. Customers and individuals who were part of transactions with First American faced the risk of their data being stolen and misused, highlighting the significant impact on data privacy and security.