Florida Department of Health Details

    Organization Logo

    Florida Department of Health

    Tallahassee, Florida13000 employees • Governments

    United States



    Security Incidents


    The Florida Department of Health (DOH) is the state agency responsible for protecting and promoting public health in Florida. Established in 1889, the department's primary purpose is to oversee public health services, enforce health laws, and provide a wide range of health-related services to Floridians. The DOH addresses various public health issues such as disease control, immunizations, environmental health, and emergency preparedness. It also works to promote health equity and accessibility throughout the state.

    The department has achieved notable milestones, including managing public hea...
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    Security Incidents

    Florida Department of Health Breach of Jul 2024
    Severity Score
    Moderate to Significant


    Ransomware Attack


    The Florida Department of Health experienced a cyber attack that compromised its vital statistics system, which holds sensitive personal information, including birth and death records. This breach resulted in service disruptions, affecting local services such as issuing death certificates and causing delays for funeral homes and grieving families. The attackers demanded ransom under the threat of disclosing the sensitive data on the dark web if their demands were not met. Due to Florida law prohibiting government agencies from paying ransoms, the Department is collaborating with law enforcemen...
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    The recent cyber attacks on the Florida Department of Health (DOH) compromised sensitive personal patient records, including vital statistics like birth and death certificates. These attacks involved both ransomware and the threat of publicly disclosing data on the dark web. The disruptions have caused significant delays in local services, such as the Electronic Death Registration System, affecting both families and funeral home operations. The incident exposed critical vulnerabilities, had a considerable impact on public services, involved sophisticated tactics, and highlighted the potential ...
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    The recent cyber security incident affecting the Florida Department of Health (DOH) was a ransomware attack, resulting in significant disruptions. This attack led to the compromise of personal patient data, including sensitive information found in birth and death certificates. Consequently, the Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS) experienced outages, severely impacting local services and delaying critical administrative processes. Additionally, the possibility of patient data being publicly disclosed or sold on the dark web if the ransom is not paid creates a substantial risk for ident...
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