Frankfurt University Details

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    Frankfurt University

    Frankfurt am Main4600 employees • Education



    Security Incidents


    Frankfurt University, formally known as Goethe University Frankfurt, is a public research university located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It was founded in 1914 and named after the celebrated German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in 1932. The university was initially a citizens' university, funded through endowments and private donations, and it has maintained a tradition of intellectual independence.

    Notable for its rigorous academic programs, Goethe University Frankfurt offers a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs across various fields, including arts, humanit...
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    Security Incidents

    Frankfurt University Breach of Jul 2024
    Severity Score
    Significant to High




    On July 6, 2024, at approximately 8 p.m., Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences experienced a significant cyberattack, resulting in a complete shutdown of its IT systems. The attackers managed to gain access to parts of the university's IT infrastructure despite high-security precautions. In response, the university blocked external access to its systems, deactivated some services, and restricted its communication infrastructure. Authorities, including the police, have been involved in addressing the incident.

    The extent of the damage from the attack is still under investigation, and there...
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    The cyberattack on Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences led to a complete shutdown of its IT systems, significantly disrupting key services and external communications. Despite high-security measures, the attackers managed to infiltrate parts of the university's IT infrastructure, forcing the institution to block external access and switch off several services. The attack impacted around 15,000 students and halted online enrollment and external communication, although on-site courses continued. Given the disruption to critical functions and the university's ongoing recovery efforts, the in...
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    The recent cyberattack on Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences resulted in a significant disruption to its IT systems, leading to a complete shutdown of its online services. While the exact nature and extent of the attack are still under investigation, the university's external access and several key services have been disabled as a precaution.

    Customer or student data exposure has not been confirmed, and the university has not indicated any theft of internal data or intellectual property thus far. However, the disruption has caused several operational challenges, including the shutdown o...
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