GitHub Details

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    San Francisco, California employees • Technology



    Security Incidents


    GitHub is a developer platform that allows developers to create, store, manage and share their code. It uses Git software, providing the distributed version control of Git plus access control, bug tracking, software feature requests, task management, continuous integration, and wikis for every project.

    Security Incidents

    GitHub Breach of Apr 2023
    Severity Score


    3rd Party Compromise


    In April 2023, GitHub experienced a security breach involving unauthorized access to its repositories. The threat actor, identified as a sophisticated group, exploited a vulnerability in GitHub's Actions feature to gain access. Approximately 100 repositories were compromised, exposing sensitive data including API keys and tokens. GitHub's security team quickly detected the breach and initiated a comprehensive investigation, revoking compromised credentials and enhancing security measures to prevent future incidents. The company assured users that no customer data was directly affected, and the...
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    The GitHub cyber security incident in April 2023 involved malicious code exfiltrating GitHub project's defined secrets to a malicious C2 server and modifying existing javascript files with a web-form password-stealer malware code. The breach also included a data exfiltration campaign targeting npm and PyPI using counterfeit packages to gather sensitive machine information and transmit it to a remote server. Threat actors stole GitHub personal access tokens to make falsified code commits to users' repositories.


    The breach impacted users by having their GitHub personal access tokens stolen and used by threat actors to make falsified code commits to their repositories. Additionally, the malicious code exfiltrated sensitive information to a remote server, potentially compromising the security and integrity of the affected projects. The data exfiltration campaign targeting npm and PyPI further increased the impact by gathering machine information and transmitting it to unauthorized entities.