HubSpot Details

    Organization Logo


    Cambridge, Massachusetts employees • Technology



    Security Incidents


    HubSpot, Inc. is an American developer and marketer of software products for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service. HubSpot was founded by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah in 2006.

    Security Incidents

    HubSpot Breach of Mar 2022
    Severity Score
    Moderate to Significant


    3rd Party Compromise


    In March 2022, HubSpot experienced a security breach where a threat actor gained unauthorized access to a subset of its customer data. The attacker targeted HubSpot employees, using compromised employee accounts to access and export data from approximately 30 customers, primarily in the cryptocurrency industry. HubSpot's security team quickly identified the breach and took steps to contain it, including disabling the compromised accounts and notifying affected customers. The breach highlighted the importance of securing employee credentials and implementing multi-factor authentication to preve...
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    The breach was severe as an unauthorized third-party gained access to a portion of HubSpot's client data through a compromised employee account, leading to data being exported from fewer than 30 HubSpot portals.


    The breach impacted customers in the cryptocurrency industry as hackers targeted cryptocurrency firms using HubSpot's software, potentially exposing sensitive information and causing concerns about data security.