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    The country of Iran

    Security Incidents

    Iran Breach of Aug 2024
    Severity Score




    The Israeli hacker group WeRedEvils claimed responsibility for a series of internet outages across Iran. This cyberattack reportedly affected multiple regions, including Tehran, Karaj, Mashhad, and Kermanshah. The group announced their plans through a message on their Telegram channel just minutes before the disruptions began, indicating they had accessed critical software within Iran's communication systems.

    This incident isn't the first instance of WeRedEvils targeting Iran; in October 2023, the group claimed to have breached Iran’s oil infrastructure management system. They also alleged to...
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    The incident primarily impacted public and private internet services without compromising customer data or internal company information. Despite this, the attack underlined the group's capacity and intent to disrupt essential infrastructures, emphasizing their potential for causing significant future threats. Considering the widespread effect, the attack's sophistication, and the group's track record of targeting critical infrastructures, the incident is rated as a "High" level severity.


    WeRedEvils executed a substantial cyberattack that resulted in widespread internet outages across various regions in Iran, including Tehran, Karaj, Mashhad, and Kermanshah. The primary target was Iran's communication systems, which suggests that the hacker group had accessed critical software, leading to significant service disruptions.

    While there’s no clear evidence pointing to a data breach or ransomware attack, the incident primarily impacted public and private internet services rather than exposing customer data or internal company information. However, this episode underscores the grou...
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