Keytronic Details

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    Spokane, WA5500 employees • Manufacturing



    Security Incidents


    Security Incidents

    Keytronic Breach of Jun 2024
    Severity Score
    Significant to High


    Ransomware Attack


    Keytronic, a PCBA manufacturing firm, experienced a data breach on May 6, resulting from a ransomware attack claimed by the Black Basta group.

    The incident caused significant disruption to Keytronic's business applications, including financial and operational reporting systems, leading to a two-week suspension of operations in the US and Mexico. The breach involved the exfiltration of limited data, including personally identifiable information. Investigation and recovery efforts have cost the firm around $600,000 and are expected to impact its financial results for Q4 2024. The attackers all...
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    Keytronic, a leading PCBA manufacturing firm, suffered a significant ransomware attack on May 6 that disrupted their US and Mexico operations for two weeks due to extensive network disruptions. The attack, attributed to the Black Basta ransomware group, resulted in the exfiltration of over 500 gigabytes of sensitive data, including personally identifiable information, financial documents, and engineering data. The company has incurred approximately $600,000 in expenses related to the breach and anticipates a material impact on its financial results for the fourth quarter ending June 29, 2024. ...
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    Keytronic recently experienced a cyber incident that involved a ransomware attack, leading to a data breach. The breach resulted in the exfiltration of personally identifiable information (PII) as well as financial documents, engineering data, human resources information, and other corporate data. The incident caused significant disruptions, primarily affecting the company’s business applications associated with operations and financial reporting systems, leading to a temporary suspension of operations in the US and Mexico. Although operations have been fully restored, the company incurred aro...
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