KnowBe4 Details

    Organization Logo


    Clearwater, Florida.1200 employees • Technology
    United States



    Security Incidents


    KnowBe4 is a cybersecurity company specializing in awareness training and simulated phishing tests. Founded in 2010 by security expert Stu Sjouwerman, the organization provides a platform to help companies manage and mitigate the risk of human error through comprehensive training. The company's goal is to enhance the defenses of enterprises against cyber threats by educating employees on security best practices and identifying vulnerabilities through simulated attacks.

    One of KnowBe4's notable products is its Security Awareness Training Program, which offers a blend of web-based training mod...
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    Security Incidents

    KnowBe4 Breach of Jul 2024
    Severity Score
    Moderate to Significant


    Malware Attack


    KnowBe4 experienced a cybersecurity incident involving a recently hired Principal Software Engineer who was later discovered to be a North Korean state actor. This employee attempted to install information-stealing malware on their assigned Mac workstation. The organization's EDR product detected these actions on July 15, 2024, preventing any data breaches.

    After extensive background checks and multiple video interviews, the North Korean actor was able to infiltrate the company using a stolen U.S. identity and AI-generated facial images. The malware specifically targeted data stored on web b...
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    In a recent cybersecurity incident, a North Korean state actor was hired as a Principal Software Engineer by KnowBe4, a prominent cybersecurity firm. Despite passing thorough background checks, the individual used stolen identity information and AI-generated images to bypass preliminary screenings. The actor attempted to install information-stealing malware on a company device but was detected in time, preventing a data breach.

    This incident underscores the sophisticated and organized nature of North Korean cyber operations, where IT professionals infiltrate firms to fund their country's pro...
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    Recently, KnowBe4, an American cybersecurity company, discovered that a newly hired Principal Software Engineer was actually a North Korean state actor. This individual attempted to install information-stealing malware on company devices. Fortunately, KnowBe4's security measures detected the activity early, preventing a data breach and ensuring no customer data was exposed. The malware targeted data stored on web browsers, aiming to extract credentials and other sensitive information from the previously provisioned computer.

    No systems or services were taken offline during the incident, and t...
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