Kronos Incorporated Details

    Organization Logo

    Kronos Incorporated

    Lowell, Massachusetts employees • Technology



    Security Incidents


    Kronos Incorporated was an American multinational workforce management and human capital management cloud provider headquartered in Lowell, Massachusetts, United States, which employed more than 6,000 people worldwide.

    Security Incidents

    Kronos Incorporated Breach of Dec 2021
    Severity Score
    Moderate to Significant


    Ransomware Attack


    In December 2021, Kronos Incorporated, a provider of workforce management and human capital management solutions, experienced a significant ransomware attack. The breach was attributed to the ransomware group known as "Kronos," which led to the disruption of Kronos Private Cloud, affecting numerous clients who relied on Kronos for payroll and scheduling services. The attack resulted in the compromise of an undisclosed number of records, causing operational challenges for many organizations, including hospitals, public transit agencies, and large corporations. Kronos immediately initiated incid...
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    The Kronos Incorporated cyber security incident in December 2021 was severe as it involved a crippling ransomware attack on the company's payroll systems, impacting employee paychecks and timesheets. The attack disrupted the Kronos Private Cloud instances, causing significant downtime and affecting millions of people who rely on the company's timekeeping services.


    The breach had a significant impact as it led to delays in payroll processing and timekeeping for customers, resulting in employees being short hundreds or thousands of dollars. The incident caused disruptions in services, and even after the attack, customers continued to be impacted by secondary data breaches, prolonging the effects of the breach.