Leidos Holdings Details

    Organization Logo

    Leidos Holdings

    Reston, Virginia43000 employees • Technology

    United States



    Security Incidents


    Leidos Holdings, Inc. is an American defense, aviation, information technology, and biomedical research company. Founded in 1969 by J. Robert Beyster, the company was originally established as Science Applications Incorporated (SAI). Over the decades, Leidos has expanded its operations and diversified its services, becoming a major player in the defense and technology industries with a focus on cybersecurity, data analytics, and systems integration.

    Throughout its history, Leidos has reached numerous milestones, such as its initial public offering in 2006 and the 2013 split from SAIC into two...
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    Security Incidents

    Leidos Holdings Breach of June 2023
    Severity Score
    Moderate to Significant




    In June 2023, Leidos Holdings, a major IT services provider to governments, discovered that internal documents had been leaked by hackers. These documents originated from a breach of the Diligent system, a platform Leidos used for internal investigations. The breach in question actually occurred in 2022 and affected Diligent's subsidiary, Steele Compliance Solutions.

    Leidos asserts that this incident did not impact its network directly or compromise any sensitive customer data. All necessary notifications related to the breach were made in 2023. Diligent had previously notified affected custo...
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    Leidos Holdings, a prominent IT service provider for government entities including the US Department of Defense, experienced a cybersecurity incident where internal documents were leaked. The breach stemmed from an attack on a third-party vendor, Diligent, which hosted information gathered in Leidos' internal investigations. The incident, traced back to a compromise of Diligent's subsidiary Steele Compliance Solutions in 2022, did not impact Leidos' own network or any sensitive customer data.

    While the leak involved internal documents, the lack of sensitive customer data and the containment m...
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    Leidos Holdings, an eminent IT services provider to government entities, experienced a significant cyber incident where internal documents were leaked by hackers. This stemmed from a previously reported breach involving Diligent, a third-party vendor whose system Leidos used to manage internal investigations.

    Fortunately, the leak did not compromise any sensitive customer data, nor did it impact Leidos' network or the services provided to their primary customers, such as the US Department of Defense. The incident primarily involved internal company data hosted on a compromised Diligent system...
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