Michigan Medicine Details

    Organization Logo

    Michigan Medicine

    Ann Arbor, Michigan 29000 employees • Healthcare

    United States



    Security Incidents


    Michigan Medicine is the academic medical center of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It was founded in 1869 and has since grown to encompass various hospitals, clinics, and specialized centers of care. The organization is dedicated to patient care, medical education, and research, making it one of the leading healthcare providers and research institutions in the United States. Michigan Medicine is known for its comprehensive medical services, top-tier medical school, and advances in medical research and treatments.

    Among its notable achievements, Michigan Medicine has been r...
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    Security Incidents

    Michigan Medicine Breach of Jul 2024
    Severity Score




    On May 23 and May 29, Michigan Medicine, the academic medical center of the University of Michigan, experienced a data breach resulting from unauthorized access to employee email accounts by threat actors.

    After discovering the breach, Michigan Medicine promptly disabled the compromised accounts. Although no direct evidence was found to suggest that the attackers specifically targeted patient health information, the possibility of data theft could not be excluded. As a precaution, the contents of the affected emails were reviewed between June 10, 2024, and June 27, 2024.

    The potentially exp...
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    In May 2024, Michigan Medicine experienced a cyberattack that compromised the personal and health information of approximately 57,000 individuals. Threat actors accessed employee email accounts through malicious multi-factor authentication prompts, allowing them to exfiltrate emails containing names, addresses, dates of birth, medical record numbers, diagnostic and treatment details, and health insurance information. Although no financial information was accessed, the Social Security numbers of four patients were exposed.

    While Michigan Medicine did not find direct evidence of data theft inte...
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    Michigan Medicine, the academic medical center of the University of Michigan, experienced a significant data breach affecting nearly 58,000 individuals. The incident occurred when threat actors gained access to employee email accounts through a malicious multi-factor authentication prompt on May 23 and May 29, 2024. These unauthorized accesses were swiftly addressed by disabling the compromised accounts and blocking the attacker's IP address.

    The breach primarily compromised personal and health information stored in emails and attachments. This information included names, addresses, dates of ...
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