Mozilla Corporation Details

    Organization Logo

    Mozilla Corporation

    Mountain View, California employees • Technology



    Security Incidents


    The Mozilla Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Mozilla Foundation that coordinates and integrates the development of Internet-related applications such as the Firefox web browser, by a global community of open-source developers, some of whom are employed by the corporation itself.

    Security Incidents

    Mozilla Corporation Breach of Feb 2024
    Severity Score
    Moderate to Significant




    In February 2024, Mozilla Corporation experienced a cyber security incident where security updates were released to address vulnerabilities in Firefox, Firefox ESR, and Thunderbird. A cyber threat actor could exploit these vulnerabilities to take control of affected systems, posing a significant security risk. The identified vulnerabilities in Mozilla Firefox, Firefox ESR, and Thunderbird allowed for potential cyber-attacks. The incident highlighted the importance of applying necessary security updates to mitigate the risk of exploitation by threat actors. Mozilla Corporation took steps to add...
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    The severity of the Mozilla Corporation cyber security incident in February 2024 was high, with identified vulnerabilities in Mozilla Firefox, Firefox ESR, and Thunderbird posing security risks and allowing cyber-attacks to take control of affected systems.


    The breach impacted users by potentially allowing a malicious website to manipulate the user's mouse position unexpectedly, leading to confusion and unintended permissions granted. Additionally, attackers could inject Set-Cookie response headers by controlling the Content-Type response header, potentially compromising user data and privacy.