National Public Data Details

    Organization Logo

    National Public Data

    Coral Springs, Florida employees •

    United States


    Security Incidents


    Jerico Pictures, which operates National Public Data (NPD), is a background-checking service which scrapes personally identifiable information (PII) of individuals from non-public sources.

    Security Incidents

    National Public Data Breach of Apr 2024
    Severity Score
    Very High


    Data Breach


    In April 2024, National Public Data (NPD), a background-check service, experienced a massive data breach that exposed personal data of up to 2.9 billion individuals. The breach was discovered when a cybercriminal group known as USDoD listed a 4TB database for sale on the dark web for $3.5 million, containing names, addresses, Social Security numbers, and other sensitive information. The compromised data was collected by NPD through web scraping from non-public sources, meaning most individuals affected were unaware their data was being collected or stored.

    The incident dates back to a securit...
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    The data breach exposed the personal information of approximately 1.9 million individuals. Sensitive data, including names, social security numbers, addresses, and information on relatives, was not only leaked but also sold on the dark web, greatly exacerbating the potential for identity theft and financial fraud. The data was collected through the scraping of non-public sources, making the breach both highly intrusive and comprehensive.

    Given the massive scale, the sophistication of data scraping, and the long-term implications for the affected individuals, the incident is appropriately cha...
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    The data breach involving National Public Data (NPD), also known as Jerico Pictures Inc., exposed the personal information of approximately 1.3 million individuals. This breach, which occurred in April, resulted in the leak and subsequent sale of sensitive data including names, social security numbers, addresses, and relative information on the dark web.

    Notably, the data was not willingly provided by the affected individuals; it was collected through scraping non-public sources. While the systems themselves were not reported to be taken offline, the breach represents a significant compromis...
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