Park’N Fly Details

    Organization Logo

    Park’N Fly

    Mississauga, Ontario500 employees • Automotive
    United States



    Security Incidents


    Park’N Fly Canada is a Canadian airport parking service provider specializing in convenient and secure off-airport parking solutions. Established in response to the demand for hassle-free airport parking options, Park’N Fly offers a range of services that cater to both short-term and long-term parking needs. The company provides shuttle services to and from the airport terminals, valet parking, car detailing, and other amenities designed to enhance the travel experience for its customers.

    The company has grown over the years to serve multiple major airports across Canada, including locations ...
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    Security Incidents

    Park’N Fly Breach of Jul 2024
    Severity Score
    Low to Moderate


    Data Breach


    Last month, Park’N Fly, a Canadian airport parking service, experienced a data breach impacting nearly one million customers. Unauthorized remote VPN access was used by a third party to infiltrate their network between July 11 and July 13. The breach involved the compromise of personal information, including names, email addresses, mailing addresses, and Aeroplan and CAA numbers, but did not extend to passwords or financial data.

    The company discovered the breach more than three weeks after it occurred and subsequently informed affected customers on August 1, 2024. Park’N Fly has been working...
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    The Park’N Fly data breach was a significant cybersecurity incident that affected nearly one million customers. The breach involved unauthorized remote VPN access to the company's network, leading to the exposure of personal information such as names, email addresses, mailing addresses, and loyalty numbers. However, no financial information or passwords were compromised.

    The incident was detected on August 1, 2024, almost three weeks after it occurred between July 11 and July 13. The company swiftly restored its platforms and has since implemented enhanced cybersecurity measures. While the i...
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    The Park’N Fly data breach affected nearly one million customers, exposing sensitive personal information such as names, email and mail addresses, as well as Aeroplan and CAA numbers. This incident underscores the critical importance of protecting customer data, even though financial information like passwords and credit card details were not compromised.

    Significantly, while no systems or services were taken offline, the company restored its platforms and implemented heightened cybersecurity measures within five days. However, this event did involve unauthorized access to internal company sy...
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