People Data Labs Inc. Details

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    People Data Labs Inc.

    San Francisco, California employees • Technology



    Security Incidents


    People Data Labs (PDL) is a data provider specializing in supplying rich, accurate, and up-to-date information on individuals and companies. They aggregate and process extensive datasets to deliver insights that enhance lead generation, data enrichment, and fraud detection. PDL's services empower businesses to make informed decisions by providing comprehensive profiles and detailed analytics.

    Security Incidents

    People Data Labs Inc. Breach of Oct 2019
    Severity Score
    Low to Moderate


    Data Breach


    In October 2019, People Data Labs Inc. experienced a significant data breach when an unsecured server exposed over 1.2 billion records containing personal information. The breach was discovered by security researchers Vinny Troia and Bob Diachenko, who found the data on an unprotected Elasticsearch server. The compromised data included names, email addresses, phone numbers, and social media profiles, although no sensitive information like passwords or financial details was exposed. The breach was not attributed to a specific threat actor but was rather a result of poor security practices in ha...
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    The breach was severe as it involved an unprotected Elasticsearch server containing an unprecedented 4 billion user accounts spanning more than 4 terabytes of data, with a total count of unique people across all data sets reaching more than 1.2 billion. This made it one of the largest data leaks from a single source organization in history, indicating a massive exposure of personal information.


    The breach impacted 1.2 billion personal data records totaling 4.2 terabytes, which were freely accessible via an insecure server on the Dark Web. The exposed data included 622 million unique email addresses, highlighting a significant privacy risk for a vast number of individuals whose information was compromised.