PlayStation Studios Details

    Organization Logo

    PlayStation Studios

    San Mateo, California employees • Media & Entertainment


    Media & Entertainment

    Security Incidents


    PlayStation Studios is a division of Sony Interactive Entertainment that oversees the video game development at the studios owned by SIE. The division was established as SCE Worldwide Studios in September 2005 and rebranded as PlayStation Studios in 2020.

    Security Incidents

    PlayStation Studios Breach of Oct 2023
    Severity Score


    Ransomware Attack


    In October 2023, PlayStation Studios, a division of Sony Interactive Entertainment, experienced a significant data breach where the personal information of approximately 6,800 current and former employees and their family members was exposed. The breach was a result of the exploitation of a zero-day vulnerability. This incident left employees and their families vulnerable to potential identity theft and other cyber threats. The breach also raised concerns about the security measures in place at PlayStation Studios and the need for enhanced cybersecurity protocols to prevent future breaches. So...
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    The breach was severe as it involved a significant data breach at Sony Interactive Entertainment, affecting approximately 6,800 current and former employees and their family members. Personal information was exposed due to the exploitation of a security vulnerability, leading to a major breach of employee data.


    The breach impacted the affected individuals by exposing their personal information, including sensitive data of employees and their family members. This breach could lead to potential identity theft, financial fraud, and other security risks for the individuals affected by the data exposure.