Poshmark Details

    Organization Logo


    Redwood City, California employees • Retail



    Security Incidents


    Poshmark is a social commerce marketplace where users can buy and sell new and secondhand fashion, home goods, and electronics. The platform has over 80 million users, with over 200M available listings. The company is headquartered in Redwood City, California, with offices in Canada, Australia, and India. The company operates as an independent subsidiary of Naver Corporation since January 2023.

    Security Incidents

    Poshmark Breach of Aug 2022
    Severity Score


    Data Breach


    In August 2022, Poshmark experienced a security incident where data from some users was acquired by an unauthorized third party. As a precautionary measure, Poshmark recommended all users to change their passwords. Following the incident, Poshmark expanded its security measures and conducted an internal investigation to address the breach. Users were advised to reset their passwords and log out of all sessions to enhance security. Poshmark took steps to ensure the protection of user data and implemented enhanced security measures across its platform.


    The Poshmark cyber security incident of August 2022 was severe as it involved unauthorized access by a third party to customers' personal information, leading to a data breach. The company had to conduct an internal investigation, engage a security forensics firm, and implement enhanced security measures to address the breach.


    The breach impacted Poshmark users by exposing their personal information to unauthorized parties, potentially leading to risks such as identity theft and financial fraud. Some users had their usernames and passwords stolen, resulting in unauthorized access to their accounts and funds being drained.