Pueblo County School District 70 Details

    Organization Logo

    Pueblo County School District 70

    Pueblo, Colorado 1000 employees • Education

    United States



    Security Incidents


    Pueblo County School District 70 (D70) is a public school district serving the rural areas of Pueblo County, Colorado. The district is dedicated to providing quality education to its students through a diverse array of programs designed to meet individual learning needs. D70 operates several elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as alternative and specialized educational facilities.

    The district was established in 1950 and has grown considerably over the decades, adapting its curriculum and services to meet the changing educational landscape. Notable milestones include the implementat...
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    Security Incidents

    Pueblo County School District 70 Breach of May 2024
    Severity Score


    Data Breach


    On April 27, Pueblo County School District 70 experienced a ransomware attack that led to a data breach confirmed on May 15. The breach potentially compromised personal information of students from 1991 to 2006 and current and former staff. Federal agencies, including the CIA and FBI, were involved in the investigation, delaying public disclosure.

    The district has enhanced its cybersecurity measures by implementing two-step authentication, shifting critical data to secure cloud servers, and hiring a dedicated cybersecurity staff member. They have also restricted access to district resources t...
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    The Pueblo County School District 70 experienced a significant data breach and ransomware attack, jeopardizing the personal information of former students and both current and former staff from as far back as 1991 to 2006. Federal agencies, including the CIA and FBI, were involved in investigating the incident, highlighting its complexity and gravity. Despite a delay in public disclosure, the school district has implemented various cybersecurity measures to protect personal data moving forward, advising affected individuals on how to safeguard their financial information and identities.

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    The incident involved a data breach coupled with a ransomware attack targeting Pueblo County School District 70. This breach potentially compromised the personal information of former students and both current and former staff, with records dating from 1991 to 2006. The compromised data includes sensitive information found within student and staff records, although specific types of data weren't detailed.

    Critical systems and services of the district remained operational, though multiple agencies were involved in the investigative process, causing a delay in public disclosure. There is no exp...
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