Rackspace Details

    Organization Logo


    San Antonio, Texas6700 employees • Technology

    United States



    Security Incidents


    Rackspace Technology, Inc. is a managed cloud computing company based in Windcrest, Texas, a suburb of San Antonio. Founded in 1998, Rackspace offers a range of services including multi-cloud computing, infrastructure, cloud management, cloud security, and data management services. The company's primary function is to help businesses of various sizes optimize their cloud operations, leveraging platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and others.

    Over the years, Rackspace has achieved a number of milestones. In 2006, the company launched its cloud computing services, and by 2008, it ...
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    Security Incidents

    Rackspace Breach of Oct 2024
    Severity Score
    Moderate to Significant


    Zero-Day Exploit


    On September 24, 2024, Rackspace discovered a zero-day remote code execution vulnerability in a third-party utility bundled with the ScienceLogic monitoring application. This vulnerability was exploited by attackers to gain access to three internal monitoring web servers. As a result, some limited customer monitoring information was compromised, including customer account names and numbers, usernames, internally generated device IDs, device names, IP addresses, and AES256 encrypted device agent credentials.

    The compromised servers hosted a ScienceLogic-powered monitoring dashboard, which Rack...
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    Rackspace recently experienced a security breach where attackers exploited a zero-day vulnerability in a third-party utility bundled with the ScienceLogic monitoring application. The attackers accessed three internal monitoring web servers, resulting in a temporary shutdown of the customer monitoring dashboard. The compromised data included customer account names, numbers, usernames, internally generated device IDs, device names, IP addresses, and AES256 encrypted internal device agent credentials.

    Despite the breach, customer performance monitoring and other services remained unaffected. Bot...
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    Rackspace experienced a security incident where a zero-day vulnerability in a third-party application, part of the ScienceLogic monitoring stack, was exploited to breach its internal performance monitoring environment. The attackers managed to access three of Rackspace's internal web servers used for monitoring, capturing limited customer information.

    The compromised data included customer account names and numbers, usernames, device IDs, device names, device IP addresses, and encrypted Rackspace internal device agent credentials. Customer access to the monitoring dashboard was temporarily d...
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