Russian Government Agencies Details

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    Russian Government Agencies

    employees • Governments




    Security Incidents


    The Russian Federation, commonly known as Russia, is the largest country in the world by land area, encompassing part of Eastern Europe and a vast expanse of Northern Asia. Covering over 17 million square kilometers, it spans eleven time zones and has a diverse landscape that includes tundra, taiga, steppe, and mountains. Russia shares land borders with fourteen countries, including China, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.

    The country has a complex history, with its roots traced back to the medieval Kievan Rus' and the later Tsardom of Russia. It became a major European power in the 18th century under...
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    Security Incidents

    Russian Government Agencies Breach of Jul 2024
    Severity Score


    Phishing Attack


    In late July 2024, Russian government entities and IT firms were targeted in a series of cyberattacks as part of the EastWind campaign, attributed to Chinese state-backed hacking groups APT27 and APT31. The initial compromise involved phishing emails with RAR archives that deployed backdoors, including the APT31-linked GrewApacha trojan and a new version of the CloudSorcerer malware, which bypasses detection using VMProtect. Further analysis identified the use of the PlugY backdoor featuring capabilities like file operations, shell command execution, keylogging, clipboard tracking, and screen ...
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    The EastWind campaign in late July 2024 represented a series of advanced cyberattacks targeting Russian government entities and IT firms, primarily driven by Chinese state-backed hacking groups APT27 and APT31. The attackers initiated the breach using sophisticated phishing emails, leading to the deployment of advanced backdoors like GrewApacha and CloudSorcerer, which were adept at evading detection.

    While there was no direct evidence indicating the exposure of customer data, critical internal systems were compromised. Malicious activities included keylogging, clipboard tracking, and screen ...
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    The EastWind campaign in late July 2024 represented a series of advanced cyberattacks targeting Russian government entities and IT firms, primarily driven by Chinese state-backed hacking groups APT27 and APT31. The attackers initiated the breach using sophisticated phishing emails, leading to the deployment of backdoors like GrewApacha and CloudSorcerer, which were notably advanced in evading detection.

    Despite the comprehensive nature of the campaign, there was no direct evidence indicating the exposure of customer data; however, critical internal systems were compromised. The malicious act...
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