Slim CD Details

    Organization Logo

    Slim CD

    Coral Springs, Florida employees • Financial Services

    United States


    Financial Services

    Security Incidents


    SLIM CD is a payment gateway providing comprehensive payment processing solutions tailored to a variety of business needs, including retail and e-commerce. The organization focuses on simplicity and efficiency, offering tools to facilitate the acceptance of various forms of electronic payments such as credit cards, checks, gift cards, and PIN debit. SLIM CD supports multiple devices including card swipe machines, PIN pads, and electronic signature capture devices to cater to a diverse range of transactional requirements.

    In addition to offering versatile payment processing tools, SLIM CD emph...
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    Security Incidents

    Slim CD Breach of Jun 2024
    Severity Score
    Significant to High


    Data Breach


    On June 15, 2024, payment gateway provider Slim CD disclosed a data breach impacting nearly 1.7 million individuals. The breach involved unauthorized access to personal and credit card information, including names, addresses, credit card numbers, and expiration dates. The CVV numbers were not compromised.

    The breach timeline revealed that threat actors had access to Slim CD's systems from August 17, 2023, until June 15, 2024. However, the actual viewing or obtaining of credit card information occurred specifically between June 14 and June 15, 2024.

    Federal law enforcement was notified abou...
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    Slim CD experienced a significant data breach impacting approximately 1.7 million individuals, leading to the exposure of sensitive customer data, including personal and credit card information. Although CVV numbers remained secure and no critical systems were taken offline, the breach timeline extended over several months from August 2023 to June 2024, with the actual exfiltration of financial data occurring in mid-June 2024.

    The involvement of federal law enforcement and third-party specialists underscores the severity and complexity of the incident. Despite proactive steps taken by Slim CD...
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    Slim CD experienced a significant data breach impacting approximately 1.7 million individuals, resulting in the exposure of sensitive customer data. Unauthorized access to personal and credit card information, such as names, addresses, credit card numbers, and expiration dates, was confirmed, although CVV numbers remained secure.

    While the breach timeline extended from August 2023 to June 2024, the actual exfiltration of credit card data occurred in mid-June 2024. No critical systems were reported as taken offline, but the incident compelled a thorough investigation involving federal law enfo...
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