Tewkesbury Council Details

    Organization Logo

    Tewkesbury Council

    Gloucestershire220 employees • Governments

    United Kingdom



    Security Incidents


    Tewkesbury Borough Council is the local authority responsible for providing a range of public services and local government functions to the residents of Tewkesbury Borough in Gloucestershire, England. The council's primary purpose includes planning and development, waste collection and recycling, housing, environmental health, and leisure and cultural services. It functions within the framework of local governance in the UK, implementing policies and delivering services on a local level.

    The history of Tewkesbury Borough Council dates back to the reorganization of local government in the UK ...
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    Security Incidents

    Tewkesbury Council Breach of Sep 2024
    Severity Score
    Moderate to Significant


    Corporate Breach


    Tewkesbury Borough Council experienced a cyberattack on September 4th that disrupted its operations, leading to a declaration of a major incident. In response, the council shut down its systems to contain the threat and mitigate potential damage. An investigation involving the National Cyber Security Centre and the counter-fraud agency is currently underway.

    There is no evidence so far of data removal or exfiltration from the council’s systems, according to Chief Executive Alistair Cunningham. As a precaution, the council has advised residents and customers to remain vigilant against phishin...
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    Tewkesbury Borough Council faced a major cyberattack that disrupted its operations, prompting an immediate system shutdown to prevent further damage. While there is no current evidence of data removal or exfiltration, the council is coordinating with the National Cyber Security Centre and counter-fraud agencies on an ongoing investigation. With partial service restoration and heightened public vigilance, the attack underscores a significant operational threat but, thus far, limited data compromise.

    Given the impact on operations, the scale of the incident response, and the lack of evidence in...
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    The Tewkesbury Borough Council recently experienced a cyberattack that resulted in the immediate shutdown of its systems. This proactive measure aimed to prevent further potential damage while an investigation commenced. As a result, several essential services were temporarily disrupted, though waste and recycling services remained operational.

    There is currently no evidence to suggest that customer data or internal company data was exfiltrated or stolen. Additionally, no intellectual property or sensitive source code appears to have been compromised. However, the investigation continues with...
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