The Washington Times Details

    Organization Logo

    The Washington Times

    Washington, D.C.299 employees • Civil Society and Non-Profits
    United States


    Civil Society and Non-Profits

    Security Incidents


    The Washington Times is a daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C. The organization was founded in 1982 by Sun Myung Moon, the leader of the Unification Church, with the primary purpose of providing a conservative voice in the media landscape. Over the years, it has become known for its coverage of federal government affairs, politics, and international news, often providing perspectives that contrast with those of more liberal-leaning publications.

    The Washington Times has been recognized for its investigative journalism and has received several awards for its reporting. The paper has ...
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    Security Incidents

    The Washington Times Breach of Aug 2024
    Severity Score
    Significant to High


    Ransomware Attack


    The Washington Times, a prominent U.S. conservative newspaper, experienced a ransomware attack by the Rhysida group. The attackers claimed to have stolen exclusive data from the newspaper and are currently auctioning it for over $304,000 worth of Bitcoin. The auction is set to commence in a week, with Rhysida promising to sell the data to a single buyer without the possibility of reselling.

    The attack on The Washington Times is part of a broader campaign by Rhysida, which has compromised 114 entities since May. This incident follows a recent attack on Ohio's City of Columbus, where the ransom...
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    The Washington Times was compromised by the Rhysida ransomware operation, which proceeded to auction off stolen data for over $304,000 worth of Bitcoin. This incident is part of a broader pattern of attacks by Rhysida, which has affected 114 entities since its emergence, including notable organizations like Lurie Children's Hospital, MarineMax, and the British Library.

    The sophistication of Rhysida's campaign, coupled with the high-profile nature of its victims and the substantial ransom demands, underscores the significant implications for affected entities and potential targets. Given the e...
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    The cyber incident at The Washington Times was a ransomware attack perpetrated by the Rhysida ransomware operation. Customer and sensitive internal data were compromised, with Rhysida claiming to sell the stolen data in an upcoming online auction demanding over $304,000 in Bitcoin.

    No reports indicate that systems or services were taken offline. However, the breach's impact likely extends beyond data exposure, as the stolen information being auctioned could include proprietary content or intellectual property, adding significant risk and potential long-term damage to the newspaper. This inci...
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    The Washington Times Breach of Jul 2024
    Severity Score
    Moderate to Significant




    The Washington Times experienced a cyberattack claimed by the hacker group SN Blackmeta in a provocative online post. The group stated that the attack disrupted all services of the news outlet, although The Washington Times website remained accessible at the time of reporting. The motivation behind the attack appears to be a combination of political and ideological grievances, particularly concerning U.S. policies on civil rights and foreign affairs.

    SN Blackmeta criticized perceived selective freedoms in the U.S., focusing on LGBTQ rights while allegedly neglecting other issues like the situ...
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    SN Blackmeta's cyberattack on The Washington Times, with its disruption of all services, demonstrates a combination of political and ideological motivations targeting U.S. media and policies. Although the website remained accessible, the hacker group's announcement suggests plans for more extensive future attacks, increasing the potential threat level to other media and critical infrastructure. Given the operational disruption, reputational damage, and broader implications for the media industry's cybersecurity landscape, this incident ranks as a "Moderate to Significant" severity level, scori...
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    The cyberattack on The Washington Times, allegedly claimed by hacker group SN Blackmeta, disrupted the organization's digital services. Although details remain unverified, SN Blackmeta has linked the incident to political and ideological motives, criticizing U.S. policies and media representation.

    While there’s no confirmed data breach or ransomware involvement, the operational disruption highlighted by SN Blackmeta could have significant repercussions on news delivery and advertising revenue. The attack also raises concerns about the cybersecurity measures of The Washington Times and signal...
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