Toronto District School Board Details

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    Toronto District School Board

    Toronto, Ontario40000 employees • Educational Services


    Educational Services

    Security Incidents


    Security Incidents

    Toronto District School Board Breach of Jun 2024
    Severity Score


    Ransomware Attack


    The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) experienced a ransomware attack targeting its software testing environment. The incident is currently under investigation to determine if any personal information was exposed. Despite the breach, all TDSB systems remain operational with no disruptions reported. The organization has involved the Toronto Police Service and the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, and is collaborating with third-party cybersecurity experts to assess the impact. As Canada's largest school board, TDSB oversees approximately 247,000 students and employs 40,000 sta...
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    The ransomware attack on the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) targeted its software testing environment, leading to concerns about potential exposure of personal information. As Canada's largest school board, serving approximately 247,000 students and employing 40,000 staff members, the impact could be extensive, although no disruptions to their operational systems occurred. Given the size of the organization, the potential sensitivity of exposed data, and the ongoing investigation to determine the full scope, the incident's severity is classified as "Significant," with a rating of 7.


    The recent ransomware attack on the Toronto District School Board's (TDSB) software testing environment raised significant concerns about potential data exposure. The incident did not disrupt any TDSB operations or take any systems offline, which is a relief given the board's extensive oversight of nearly 600 schools. However, there's still an ongoing investigation to determine if any personal information or sensitive data, possibly including student and staff details, were compromised. The attack highlights the perils of cybersecurity breaches even in non-production environments and underscor...
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