Tracelo Details

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    employees • Technology

    United States



    Security Incidents


    Tracelo is a company that specializes in providing location-based services by leveraging phone number data. The primary purpose of Tracelo is to enable customers to determine the geographic location of an individual using their mobile phone number. This service can be particularly useful for locating family members or individuals for security and safety purposes. Tracelo emphasizes the importance of ethical practices, ensuring that their services are compliant with privacy regulations and standards.

    The service offered by Tracelo utilizes advanced geolocation technology combined with robust d...
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    Security Incidents

    Tracelo Breach of Sep 2024
    Severity Score
    Significant to High


    Data Breach


    On September 1, 2024, Tracelo, a smartphone geolocation tracking service, experienced a significant data breach. A hacker known as “Satanic” compromised the company's system and leaked the personal details of over 1.4 million individuals on Breach Forums.

    The breach involved the extraction of 264 MB of data, segmented into three CSV files: “saas-backend.locate_phone_infos,” “saas-backend.users,” and “saas-stage.users.” The “saas-backend.locate_phone_infos” file included records of 646,442 individuals, detailing their full names, phone carriers, phone numbers, and other identifying information...
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    Tracelo, a geolocation tracking service, experienced a significant data breach on September 1, 2024, conducted by a hacker known as “Satanic.” This incident led to the exposure of personal details for over 1.4 million individuals, including full names, phone carriers, physical addresses, email addresses, and bcrypt password hashes, all disseminated via Breach Forums.

    Although location data was not compromised, the extent of the exposed information raises substantial privacy concerns. The detailed contact information now accessible to malicious actors significantly heightens the risk of phish...
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    Tracelo, a geolocation tracking service, suffered a significant data breach on September 1, 2024, orchestrated by a hacker known as “Satanic.” The breach resulted in the exposure of personal details for over 1.4 million individuals, segmented into three compromised CSV files on Breach Forums. This data included sensitive information such as full names, phone carriers, physical addresses, email addresses, and bcrypt password hashes.

    While the breach did not include actual location data, it did reveal other identifying information, presenting major privacy concerns. Both Tracelo's customers and...
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