Trend Micro Details

    Organization Logo

    Trend Micro

    Tokyo, Japan employees • Technology



    Security Incidents


    Trend Micro Inc. is an American-Japanese cyber security software company. The company has globally dispersed R&D in 16 locations across every continent excluding Antarctica.

    Security Incidents

    Trend Micro Breach of Aug 2019
    Severity Score


    Insider Threat


    In August 2019, Trend Micro experienced a significant security breach caused by an insider threat. A rogue employee within the company accessed and sold the personal data of approximately 68,000 customers to a malicious third party. The compromised information included names, email addresses, support ticket numbers, and in some cases, phone numbers. Trend Micro's investigation revealed that the employee had abused their access to the customer support database, leading to their subsequent termination and legal action. The company assured that no financial or credit card information was affected...
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    The breach was severe as a rogue employee at Trend Micro sold data of up to 120,000 customers, leading to targeted scams and unauthorized disclosure of personal data. The incident was classified as a malicious insider threat, indicating a significant breach of trust and security within the company.


    The breach impacted a large number of customers, with up to 120,000 individuals having their personal data sold and exposed. This led to targeted scams and unauthorized disclosure of customer information, potentially causing financial and reputational harm to those affected.