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    San Antonio, Texas employees • Insurance



    Security Incidents


    The United Services Automobile Association is an American financial services company providing insurance and banking products exclusively to members of the military, veterans and their families.

    Security Incidents

    USAA Breach of Jun 2023
    Severity Score




    In June 2023, USAA experienced a data breach that impacted a limited number of its members, affecting less than 0.15% of its membership, which totals more than 13 million. Approximately 19,000 members were affected by the breach, exposing personal information such as names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, usernames used for online access, and bank account numbers. The breach was reported on June 22, and USAA took steps to notify and assist the affected customers. USAA is actively monitoring the situation to ensure the protection of its members' information.


    The USAA data breach of June 2023 was limited in severity, affecting less than 0.15% of USAA's members. The breach exposed personal information of a limited number of members, indicating a relatively contained impact.


    The breach impacted a small number of individuals, with more than 2,700 people in Texas and less than 0.15% of USAA's membership affected. USAA has started notifying the affected customers and will provide them with a two-year protection plan.