Wayne Memorial Hospital Details

    Organization Logo

    Wayne Memorial Hospital

    Honesdale, Pennsylvania1300 employees • Healthcare

    United States



    Security Incidents


    Wayne Memorial Hospital is a not-for-profit, community hospital located in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. It serves the residents of northeastern Pennsylvania and parts of New York State, providing a wide range of healthcare services, including emergency care, surgical services, maternity care, rehabilitation, and cancer care. The hospital is part of the Wayne Memorial Health System, which also includes outpatient services, primary care, and specialty medical practices.

    Founded in 1920, Wayne Memorial Hospital has been integral to the community's healthcare system for over a century. It has undergo...
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    Security Incidents

    Wayne Memorial Hospital Breach of Jul 2024
    Severity Score
    Significant to High


    Data Breach


    Wayne Memorial Hospital in Pennsylvania experienced a cyber attack by the Monti ransomware gang. The hospital, a 114-bed not-for-profit facility, had its data compromised, with Monti claiming responsibility and threatening to leak the stolen information on July 8, 2024. The Monti group, active since June 2022, has shown significant operational similarities to the now-defunct Conti ransomware gang, even utilizing Conti’s leaked source code for their encryptor. This incident is a notable example of ransomware groups targeting critical healthcare infrastructure, highlighting the persistent threat...
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    The cyber attack on Wayne Memorial Hospital in Pennsylvania, orchestrated by the Monti ransomware gang, represents a significant breach in healthcare infrastructure security. The Monti group, known for its sophisticated TTPs and a lineage tracing back to the notorious Conti gang, not only encrypted hospital data but also threatened to leak sensitive information. Given the critical nature of healthcare services, the potential patient data exposure, and the precedent set by Monti’s previous operations, this incident rates as "Significant to High" severity, at an 8 on the scale.


    Wayne Memorial Hospital in Pennsylvania experienced a significant cyber incident perpetrated by the Monti ransomware gang. The attackers claimed to have exfiltrated sensitive data, though details on the specific type of customer or patient data affected have not been disclosed. The hospital's systems and services were disrupted, as ransomware typically involves encrypting critical systems to extort money. While it's unclear if internal company data or intellectual property was specifically targeted, the threat to leak the stolen data poses a severe risk. Notably, the Monti group used a variant...
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